Emma KM

Best Collection Of Handmade Rugs by Rugs and Beyond

Rugs and beyond is the best E-commerce online website for the handmade carpets, rugs, and durries. They have a great and big collection of handmade carpets. They used the finest material for weaving carpets and durries. Rugs and beyond have “One of a kind” products. It means you will never find the same carpets worldwide. You can easily find your carpet according to the design, material and color combination.

New Collection of durries by Rugs and beyond: – They have uploaded new product on their website which is cheap area rug and most of the people can buy it. Yes, they are added new dhurries which follow the new concept of the material combination. These durries are made in cotton chindi with jute yarn. It means warp in natural jute and weft in a recycling of cotton cloths. These durries have modern look and ideal for the modern home decor.  These are very suitable for the summer season and available only on rugsandbeyond.com. These are very less expensive as compared to handmade cotton durries and handmade carpets. These change durries are in vibrant color which can transform your room into a stylish room.

The new collection of handmade carpets by Rugsandbeyond: –

  They also added some more products in silk and woolen categories which have an amazing color combination with a beautiful design pattern. If you bored with old theme of your home then you can give a new look to your room by adding these beautiful carpets. Rugs and beyond always provide the best quality of handmade rug at reasonable rate with free shipping delivery worldwide. Find some of them here-

This is a large handmade wool carpet and woven in hand-knotted technique. Weavers used pure New Zealand wool as the weft and cotton as the warp. It contains Kashan design pattern which has been originated in the 17th century from Persia. Wet dying process has been used for giving the beautiful vibrant colors. This is 100% hand-washable carpet. It has beautiful shades on the ground of carpet.

Perfect carpet for the modern home décor. This is also woven in pure New Zealand wool and cotton material. It contains a perfect color combination of ivory, gold and blue. It will look awesome with light color furniture. Place minimum furniture if you want to decorate your home in contemporary interior designs. The design of this carpet in Erased and has inspired with paint on the wall. So give a magnificent look to your space and find the compliments regarding your décor.

Are you waiting for a rug for your coffee table or for a round dining table then buy this beautiful round handmade wool area rug. This is woven in pure New Zealand wool and super quality of the cotton material. It contains dark color so you can use it for high traffic area also. It has a beautiful floral pattern which looks amazing with white furniture. This is also 100% hand washable and highly durable carpet.

So select your carpet from Rugs and Beyond and find it at a very reasonable price. This is the last chance to get this beautiful rug with huge discounts.

Author Bio: Shivani is a professional interior decorator who likes to blog about latest home decorating trends. She believes that it is very important to have a comfortable and well styled personal space in each house as it’s crucial to living a happy and healthy life. You can read her latest posts on Rugs and Beyond.