Emma KM

Tips On Finding Confidence After Having A Baby

The act of giving birth is a hard yet rewarding procedure. Every woman faces permanent changes to their appearance as a result of having a baby, which can have a knock-on effect on their confidence. If you are like many other women you might be searching for a solution to solve everything. It is not a way to live your life in anxiety and self-hate, but finally reaching the point of loving yourself again is the ultimate goal. 

Whether you are struggling to shift the remaining pounds, or you are finding it hard to accept this new body of yours, it can be a stressful time. If you are low on ideas and are looking for some inspiration to feel like yourself again, consider the following tips:

Avoid Any Negative Self Talk

When we are in a low mood state about our body or our hormonal changes are taking over, it is very easy to talk negatively to ourselves. This might include telling yourself that your body looks terrible, which can initiate feelings of anxiousness and embarrassment. When you slip into this mindset you should restrict yourself from saying bad things about yourself. This creates the idea in your mind that your opinion is exactly what you look like, and there is no change possible. Instead, look at your body with gratitude and stop yourself from saying negative comments.

Start Gentle Exercising 

If you are thinking of starting an exercise routine to get your body back to peak fitness, you should first create a plan. Getting back into a healthy routine is a great way to get your confidence back and keep busy with your daily tasks. Possibly ask a friend to join you during your workouts when you can spare time away from your baby. Even going a few times a week for 30 minutes will make a huge difference. The act of simply showing up will create a positive perception in your head that you are determined and on the right track. You may even wish to spend more time walking instead of taking part in rigorous exercise.

Consider New Mum Groups 

New mum groups aim to act as a safe space for new mums to share their troubles and anxieties. Often a lot of women within the groups are facing the same problems, but it is a creative support system for finding solutions and helping each out find the light even when things seem dark. There are loads of new mum groups operating within local areas, so do some research and find the closest one to you.

Get Your Body Back

It is normal to have permanent effects on your body after having a baby. Unfortunately, not all postpartum bodies will reverse back to how they originally looked, and that is why a lot of new mums today are opting to get mummy makeovers. They are essentially plastic surgery that aims to manage loose skin, stretch marks, the fullness of breasts, and many other results that are a result of giving birth. Only consider this option if you do not see yourself having kids too soon after, and also if you have the money to finance the procedure.